Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Infinity Dreams Award/Tag

The Infinity Dreams Award/Tag
Thank you, Erudessa, for tagging me!!! 

1. Thank the blogger who tagged you. 
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
4. Tag 11 bloggers and give them 11 new questions to answer.

11 facts about myself:

1. I am extremely old-fashioned.
2. I am horrible with the computer. (I could barely figure out how to do this tag.)
3. I want to be an English teacher someday.
4. I love gardening!
5. I knit and crochet.
6. I love reading!
7. I do Irish step-dancing.
8. I want to be a farmer someday.
9. I love working outside.
10. I like to write poetry.
11. I have two little sisters, and one of them is 11.

Now the questions:

1. What is your earliest memory of reading, or being read to? 
The first book I remember being read was a book called On the Day You Were Born.

2. Why did you choose to start a blog? I was writing a newsletter every month, that I sent out to people, 
but I decided it would be easier to write a blog, and I would reach more people this way.

3. Since this is the Infinity Dreams Tag, what is your biggest dream, no matter how out there it may seem? 
To have a farm and be an English teacher, and to inspire the children I teach.

4. Favorite subject in school? (If you're in school still. If not, what WAS your favorite subject?) 
English: spelling, grammar, literature, and more, all rolled into one subject.

5. Where would you live in the world, if you could live anywhere? 
I recently took a trip to Ireland, and it was spectacular, but I have so many friends here, and the area where I live now is so
beautiful, that I would need a combination of both.

6. How would you describe your personal style? 
Rustic, homey, pioneer, farmhouse, Jane Austen, home made.

7. Who has inspired you? It can be anyone, past, present, fictional, or no. 
Many great women from history. Also my dance teacher, who is also a school teacher, a wonderful person, and my friend.

8. Do you prefer open plains, and sparkling beaches, or rugged mountains and wild forests? 
I would say mountains and forests, but I have always wanted to farm, so mountains and forests
with a little valley in the middle.

9. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you choose? 
I would have liked to meet Sojourner Truth, or Clara Barton, or Helen Keller, or many other famous women from history, 
but because they are no longer alive I would also say Julie Andrews/Edwards.

10. Favorite Disney princess? (Or Disney character if you don't prefer princesses.) 
Pocahontas, and Esmerelda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

11. Favorite quote?
"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
And "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -  Eleanor Roosevelt
And "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."- Dr. Seuss

I do not know many people on Blogger yet, so if you are reading this feel free to consider yourself tagged.
I will also be passing on these questions because I had a wonderful time answering them.

Thank you!

Also, I am sorry about the uneven sizes of the text, I am having some problems with my format.